Do you need to protect your home during this crisis?

Receive 10 Prayers that Bring Heaven to Earth...For My Home.
This e-book will guide you through 10 proven, powerful prayers that will bring a sense of peace to your home during times of trouble. 


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Put Yourself in the Hands of God

There is power in prayer.

There is power in putting Your hands together, kneeling before Him, and connecting with the Lord.

Yes you can bring heaven to earth through your prayers.

You might be having the desire to pray for your family, but knowing how to pray specifically for them can be challenging.

This guide will help you have the Lord’s presence, so that a sense of peace, calm, joy and protection resides within your family and in the home.


You can always count on Him in times when you are feeling stuck and helpless. God is never far; He is never absent. He may be silent at times, but that should never be equated as Him abandoning you. It only means that something good is coming your way.

Praying to God, brings blessing and protection for your family and over your home. By praying through your home, you are inviting God to protect your family and to make Him the priority in your life. During difficult times, a prayer walk through your home can cleanse the home spiritually and bring peace. Praying while you walk through your home asks God to be Lord of everyone within your family and protect them everywhere.

Of course, you want that for your family and home, so grab a copy of the e-book today!

About the Author

Dr. Beau Abernathy lives in the Arctic Circle where he serves as an Assistant Principal and Adjunct Professor at University of Alaska while helping churches in smaller villages. He has an earned doctorate and has started or helped start six churches in four states as well as Japan and Mexico. He has written or co-authored 22 books. He is passionate about helping people connect with the living Lord.


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